Concert Care

Making safer spaces in live music
so everyone can have a top night out.

#QMusic Concert Care

Concert Care is a new social code that no longer blurs the lines of what behaviour is and isn’t ok at live events, and to offer more support and intervention options on-ground.

When you read that 1 in 2 women* experience sexual assault in their lifetime, and that 74% of female sexual assault survivors don’t realise they’ve been assaulted, we know sh#t needs to change.

And it starts with the behaviours and attitudes about gender and sexuality that have been so normalised they're an expected and accepted part of a night out, but are, in fact, assault and harassment.

Through ‘Tips to a Top Night Out’, we are taking an accessible approach to changing problematic societal behaviours and attitudes about gender and sexuality with messages like ‘Groping is for Gronks’, ‘Clothing isn’t Consent’, ‘Don’t be a D!ck’ and more.

As well as raising awareness and providing a shared language to address specific behaviours and attitudes, QMusic has introduced a number of on-ground measures, including a dedicated safe space crewed by counsellors, roaming mental health peers and an increase of female-identifying security guards to provide more options for those seeking help or support at events.

We are committed to doing our part to help drive long term social change for safer spaces in the music industry and wider community.

And this really is just the next step in what will be an ever-growing and continually evolving program to make safer spaces at all QMusic events.

We invite you to join us on this journey and share feedback and ideas as we evolve.

*Women/female and men/male gender and sex associations used in the above statistics are defined by the individual reporting bodies and utilised in its data. QMusic recognises a broader spectrum of gender and acknowledges a gap in the publicly-accessible reported statistics on underrepresented communities.

#What QMusic is currently doing

Robust protocols and systems

Robust protocols and systems

A full safety protocol is in development for QMusic events, programs and day-to-day operations.

Safer spaces at QMusic events

Safer spaces at QMusic events

On-ground QMusic Concert Care safe spaces crewed by professional social workers, counsellors, nurses, doctors and mental health peers. Proudly supported by ConsciousNest Event Care Services.

Safety Advisory Group

Safety Advisory Group

QMusic has established a Safety and Diversity Advisory Group of experts who can provide valuable insights, experience, support and knowledge, in their respective fields, to inform, shape and vet the initiatives and programs implemented. For more information on our QMusic Safety and Diversity Advisory Group Members click below.

Communication, Awareness and Education

Communication, Awareness and Education

From carefully crafted messages, professionally designed social media assets and website to a dedicated safe space, t-shirts and posters on site, QMusic aims to raise awareness and educate audiences and stakeholders on specific behaviours that constitute sexual harassment and assault to help drive social change.

Looking to the next 12 months

Looking to the next 12 months

This is just the beginning of the work that needs to be done and we’re aiming to identify and achieve critical milestones and will be sharing plans as they develop.

How you can help

#How you can help

Give Feedback

This is just the start of what will be a growing and continually improving part of all future QMusic events, so your feedback is invaluable to helping get it right. 

You can provide feedback on QMusic Concert Care and/or the Tips for a Top Night Out at

Share the Tips for a Top Night Out 

Send it to your friends, peers, family and colleagues!

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Funding has been received from Queensland Government through Office for Women and Violence Prevention

QMUSIC acknowledges the many Traditional Custodian groups all across what is now referred to as Queensland. We pay our respect to all elders: past, present and emerging. As a peak body we also acknowledge the important role that music has played and continues to play on these lands since the very first sunrise.
